27.06202427/06/2024 The Heartache of Enforced Disappearance – A Crime against HumanityBy ABColombiaIn Civil Society, Human Rights, News, News Archive, PeaceTags Civil Society, conflict, Human Rights, Peace, Peace Accord Disappearance is one of the most horrendous crimes against humanity. Families live in hope, despite the odds that their loved...
20.06202420/08/2024 Challenges for Sustainable Peace in ColombiaBy Louise WinstanleyIn ISDS What does it mean for Colombia, News, News Archive, Peace ProcessesTags HRDs, Human Rights, Peace Accord, Women 20 June 2024 Colombia has been the scene of protracted internal armed conflicts involving the government, guerrillas, paramilitaries, and other...
19.06202419/06/2024 International Day for the Elimination of Conflict Related Sexual ViolenceBy ABColombiaIn Civil Society, Human Rights, News, News Archive, Vulnerable Communities, WomenTags Civil Society, conflict, Human Rights, Women Despite global awareness and widespread condemnation, conflict-related sexual violence (CRSV) remains a pervasive issue around the world today.[i] In Colombia,...
14.06202414/06/2024 Chiquita Brands Brought to Justice by Colombian VictimsBy ABColombiaIn Civil Society, Conflict, Human Rights, News, News Archive, PeaceTags Civil Society, Human Rights This landmark case recognises the rights of the victims. The case against Chiquita Brands won recognition of the atrocities suffered...
14.06202414/06/2024 Colombia wins against multinationals endeavouring to mine in protected areas of ecological importanceBy ABColombiaIn Extractives, Human Rights, Land, News, News Archive, Vulnerable CommunitiesTags Afro-Colombian, Human Rights, Indigenous Grave concerns have been expressed internationally over the World Bank’s Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID) ruling in favour...
05.06202405/06/2024 World Environment Day 2024By ABColombiaIn Civil Society, Extractives, Human Rights, Land, News, News Archive, Vulnerable CommunitiesTags Afro-Colombian, Human Rights, Indigenous On World Environment Day, 5 June 2024, ABColombia would like to draw attention to the importance of making peace with...