ABColombia periodically takes members of the British Parliament and Dáil Éireann (Assemble of Ireland) to Colombia to visit communities and to hear first had from them and the organisations that accompany them about the human rights and humanitarian situations that they are having to confront in Colombia.
In recent years we took a Delegation in August 2017 and another in August 2018 and we now have one planned for August 2020.
2018 Delegation
- Vichada and met with the Indigenous Peoples: Sikuani, Sikuani-Cubeo, Puinave, Piapoco, Piaroa, Sáliba, Amorua, Curripacos, Tuparro, Piratapuyos
- Meta: Campesiono (Peasant Farmer) communities of El Porvenir
- Meta: El Porvenir: Indigenous Asentamiento Cubeo-Sikuani (ASEINPOME)
- Tolima: Comité Ambiental de Ibague (Environmental Committee Ibague); Comité Ambiental de Cajamarca y Anaime (Environmental and Peasant Farmer Committee of Cajamarca and Anaime)
- Conversation in Villavicencio, with rural women: Diana, Yenny and Yuanitza – one ex-FARC combatant, a campesina and a human rights defender.
2017 Delegation
- Medio Atrato, Chocó: Afro-Colombian Communities in Rio Quito – San Isidro and Paimadó – and to learn about the violence generated against these communities by the informal gold mining that is protected by, and or operated by, illegal armed groups against these communities. A pattern repeated with other communities in Chocó.
- Buenaventura: Humanitaria Space
- Bajo Atrato Chocó/Valle de Cauca: Wounaan Indigenous People in Bajo Calima and Bajo San Juan rivers