ACSN Peace Talks Timeline

The Autodefensas Conquistadoras de la Sierra Nevada (ACSN), also known as Los Pachenca, is an armed group that emerged following the demobilization of the paramilitary army in 2006 on Colombia’s Caribbean coast.

Since then, the ACSN has consolidated its power in the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, in the department of Magdalena, where it controls drug trafficking routes and runs extensive extortion networks.

Late 2022 – January 2023

ACSN Requests Peace Dialogues

The ACSN requests to be included in Petro’s Total Peace policy.

The group accept a 6-month bilateral ceasefire agreement with the government in January 2023.

June 2023

Ceasefire Expires

The bilateral ceasefire between the ACSN and the government expires. The latter ignores the group’s calls to renew and negotiations do not progress.

August 2024

ACSN Ceases Military Operations

As the Petro administration announces the initiation of “socio-legal conversations” with armed groups with no political recognition, the ACSN announces a cessation of military operations.

24 February 2025

Colombia Opens Peace Talks with ACSN

The Colombian government officially announces the commencement of Peace Talks with the ACSN.

The government is also engaged in Peace Talks, with the EMC, ELN, Segunda Marquetalia and the AGC.