On 11 June, ABColombia, PBI, the Colombian Caravana of Lawyers and UCL Institute of the Americas hosted a panel conversation...
Author: ABColombia (ABColombia )
International organisations reject violent attacks and threats against Afro-Colombian and Indigenous leaders
Brussels/London, 13 May 2019. ABColombia, alongside more than 25 European and international organisations and networks, signed a public statement rejecting...
Pronunciamiento del Portavoz de la Alta Comisionada de las Naciones Unidas para los Derechos Humanos
Ginebra, 10 de mayo de 2019: Pronunciamiento del Portavoz de la Alta Comisionada de las Naciones Unidas para los Derechos...
UN High Commissioner for Human Rights: Briefing note on Colombia
Geneva, 10 May 2019: Rupert Colville, Spokesperson for the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, has published a statement saying...
Threats against Indigenous Human Rights Defenders in La Guajira, Colombia
On 29 April 2019, Fuerza Mujeres Wayuu received death threats from a group identifying itself as Águilas Negras – Bloque...
ZIDRES: Areas of Interest for Rural, Economic and Social Development
The Areas of Interest for Rural, Economic and Social Development (Zonas de Interés de Desarrollo Rural, Económico y Social –...
Colombia: Las mujeres y el Capítulo Étnico en el Acuerdo de Paz
Lo siguiente es un capítulo del informe de ABColombia “Hacia un cambio transformador: las mujeres y la implementación del Acuerdo...
Colombia Peace Accord: Women and the Ethnic Chapter
The following is an excerpt from the ABColombia report “Towards Transformative Change: Women and the Implementation of the Colombian Peace...
Inclusive Peace and Protection of Human Rights Defenders in Colombia: Early Day Motion tabled in UK Parliament
On 26 March 2019, an Early Day Motion (EDM) 2232 was tabled in the UK Parliament, calling for a debate...
Uncertainty for Colombia’s Special Jurisdiction for Peace (JEP)
On Thursday 14 March 2019, Ambassadors from Germany, Belgium, Norway, Netherlands, United Kingdom, Sweden, Switzerland, European Union and the UN...