Key ex-FARC-EP Commanders Announce Return to Arms ABColombia calls on the Colombian State and the International Community to redouble its...
Author: Louise Winstanley (Louise Winstanley)
A River with Rights: Community Response to Illegal Gold Mining in Chocó, Colombia
Introduction The Afro-descendant and Indigenous communities living along the River Atrato in Chocó, as a result of the state’s failure...
2018 Delegation
Vichada: meeting with the: Sikuani, Sikuani-Cubeo, Puinave, Piapoco, Piaroa, Sáliba, Amorua, Curripacos, Tuparro Indigenous Peoples.
ABColombia and others denounce the killing of Bernardo Cuero Blanco
ABColombia juntos con otras organizaciones de la sociedad civil internacional: Rechazan asesinato del líder de Afrodes Bernardo Cuero Blanco,...
National Security Guarantees Commission
On 24 February 2017 the National Security Guarantees Commission was inaugurated. This is an important first step in the...
Revised Peace Accord ratified by the Colombian Congress
ABColombia welcomes the ratification by the Colombian Congress of the revised Final Peace Agreement between the Government of...
ABColombia Statement – Zenu Indigenous Peoples
Three Zenú Indigenous People assassinated in three months: ABColombia calls on the Colombian Government to implement security measures promised more...