02.11202320/12/2023 Colombian Special Jurisdiction for Peace opens a National Case on Conflict-related Sexual and Gender-based ViolenceBy ABColombiaIn Conflict, Human Rights, JEP, News, News Archive, Peace, Peace Processes, Peace Processes, Transitional Justice, WomenTags conflict, Human Rights, Peace, Peace Accord, Peace in Colombia, Women Marking a new milestone in Colombia’s transitional justice process, the Special Jurisdiction for Peace (JEP) has opened Macrocase 11 after...
13.03202313/03/2023 Colombia’s Transitional Justice System Macrocase 09: Crimes Committed Against Indigenous Ethnic Peoples and Territories.By Louise WinstanleyIn Emblematic Cases, Human Rights, JEP, Land, News, News Archive, Peace, Vulnerable CommunitiesTags Afro-Colombian, Civil Society, Human Rights, Indigenous, Peace in Colombia The Special Jurisdiction for Peace (JEP, Spanish acronym) will investigate crimes against humanity suffered by the Indigenous, Afro-Colombia, Raizal and...
06.12202106/01/2022 Report by Colombian Women’s Organisations presented to the Truth CommissionBy Louise WinstanleyIn JEP, News, News Archive, Transitional Justice, WomenTags Peace Accord, Peace in Colombia, Transitional Justice, Truth Commission, Women December 2021 VerdadEs: politizar el dolor y las emociones de las mujeres (TruthIs: Politicising Women’s Pain and Emotions) a report...
21.07202122/07/2021 Case 03: Killings and forced disappearances presented as casualties in combat by state agentsBy ABColombiaIn Conflict, JEP, News, News Archive, Transitional Justice In National Case 03 there are six different areas of priority where ordinary citizens were killed and forcibly disappeared by...
12.05202012/05/2020 Legal Articles on Transitional Justice in ColombiaBy Louise WinstanleyIn JEP, Peace, Transitional JusticeTags JEP, Peace Accord, Transitional Justice These articles are part of a series being published by the Colombian Commission of Jurists Legal Observatory on the Special...
12.08201901/06/2020 The Special Jurisdiction for PeaceBy ABColombiaIn 2017, Conflict, Human Rights, JEP, News, Peace Threat to effective working of JEP: 30% reduction in budget