02.08201829/01/2019 Water Scarcity and Climate Change in La Guajira: ABColombia signs letter to CerrejónBy ABColombiaIn Extractives, Joint Letters, Letters of Concern, News, Vulnerable CommunitiesTags Cerrejon, Civil Society, Climate Change, Extractives, Human Rights, Indigenous, Mining, Wayuu
09.05201829/01/2019 INGOs EXPRESS CONCERN REGARDING NEW PROPOSED LAND LAWBy Louise WinstanleyIn Joint Letters, Land, Letters of Concern, NewsTags Land, Peace Accord, Peace in Colombia
31.01201812/03/2019 Letter to Inter-American Court of Human Rights: San José de Apartadó Peace CommunityBy ABColombiaIn Human Rights, Joint Letters, Letters of Concern, News, Vulnerable CommunitiesTags HRDs, Human Rights, Inter-American Court, Peace in Colombia, San Jose de Apartado, Uraba
23.12201703/08/2018 ABColombia signs letter to Minister of DefenceBy ABColombiaIn 2017, Joint Letters, Letters of Concern, Letters to Colombian Govt
02.12201729/01/2019 ABColombia and international organisations call for greater protection guarantees following the murder of Mario Castaño BravoBy ABColombiaIn 2017, Human Rights, Joint Letters, Letters of ConcernTags Afro-Colombian, Atrato, Civil Society, HRDs, Impunity, Paramilitaries, Peace Accord
16.06201703/08/2018 ABColombia and others denounce the killing of Bernardo Cuero BlancoBy Louise WinstanleyIn 2017, Joint Letters, Letters of Concern ABColombia juntos con otras organizaciones de la sociedad civil internacional: Rechazan asesinato del líder de Afrodes Bernardo Cuero Blanco,...
27.04201702/07/2019 Joint statement rejecting the murder of Gerson AcostaBy ABColombiaIn 2017, Civil Society, Joint Letters, News Archive, Vulnerable CommunitiesTags Civil Society, HRDs, Human Rights Defenders, Indigenous ABColombia, in a joint statement with 17 other International Civil Society Organisations, has expressed its profound rejection of, and concern...