07.08201829/01/2019 Indigenous Peoples struggle for a dignified life against Giant Nickel Miner South32By ABColombiaIn Extractives, News, Press, Vulnerable CommunitiesTags Afro-Colombian, Civil Society, Human Rights, Indigenous, Mining, Social Protest
22.01201806/03/2018 European Parliament Rejects Resolution to support the Colombian Peace ProcessBy ABColombiaIn Campaigns, News, PressTags European Parliament, MEPs, Peace in Colombia
17.11201729/01/2019 Colombian Women Peace Trailblazers visit LondonBy ABColombiaIn Human Rights, News, Peace, Press, WomenTags Peace Accord, Women
05.09201707/08/2018 Intrepid Parliamentarians still existBy ABColombiaIn 2017, News, PressTags Human Rights, Indigenous, UK Parliament
29.04201729/01/2019 Conflict Exacerbates in ChocóBy ABColombiaIn 2017, Conflict, Press, Vulnerable CommunitiesTags Afro-Colombian, Choco, conflict, Paramilitaries, Peace in Colombia