The Tribunal, a film created by Malcolm Rogge in partnership with the Columbia Center on Sustainable Investment, follows the experiences...
The Tribunal, a film created by Malcolm Rogge in partnership with the Columbia Center on Sustainable Investment, follows the experiences...
The Atrato River is located in Chocó, on the Pacific coast of Colombia and one of the 25 global priority...
Join us for a discussion on how legal strategies have the potential to safeguard the rights of communities and nature...
ABColombia is part of the coalition Corporate Justice Coalition, a group of civil society organisations calling for the introduction a...
Grave concerns have been expressed internationally over the World Bank’s Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID) ruling in favour...
On World Environment Day, 5 June 2024, ABColombia would like to draw attention to the importance of making peace with...
On 21 January 2024, Ombudsman Carlos Camargo Assis urged government institutions to implement comprehensive plans so that children in Colombia...
International Investment Agreements (IIAs) set out the conditions and obligations regarding the promotion and protection of investments made by...
Indigenous communities in Colombia are are reporting a devastation of their land, water and sacred spaces as a result of...
Reserva tu boleto Fecha: 26 de Septiembre Hora: 18:00 Lugar: TBC Mientras Colombia continua en su afán por implementar el...