A former Colombian intelligence soldier has declared before the Special Jurisdiction for Peace (JEP) that several state crimes occurred in...
Category: Transitional Justice
Colombian Special Jurisdiction for Peace opens a National Case on Conflict-related Sexual and Gender-based Violence
Marking a new milestone in Colombia’s transitional justice process, the Special Jurisdiction for Peace (JEP) has opened Macrocase 11 after...
Bedoya Lima et al V Colombia: Two Years Later
Today, 18 October 2023, marks two years since the Inter-American Court of Human Rights (IACtHR) found the Colombian state responsible...
Colombian Truth Commission’s Report: Achievements and setbacks one year after publication
READ UN’s Resolution to support implementation of the Truth Commission’s recommendations On 28 of June 2023 marked the first year...
UN Human Rights Committee pass Resolution on provision of technical cooperation to implement Truth Commission’s Report
Colombia serves as an important example that resolving enduring differences is only possible through peaceful dialogue. Simon Manley CMG On...
“Colombia es un país prioritario en derechos humanos para el Reino Unido”.
Lord Zac Goldsmith Ministro en Asuntos Exteriores, de Commonwealth, y Desarrollo ENGLISH El ELN, o Ejército de Liberación Nacional, es...
“Colombia is a human rights priority for the UK”
Zac Goldsmith, Minister of State for Overseas Territories of the UK SPANISH The ELN, or National Liberation Army, is Colombia’s...
Event: Sexual and Gender-based Violence in Colombia a Feminist Perspective on Security
Book your FREE ticket HERE Register HERE to join the event ONLINE Register HERE to join the event ONLINE “Activists Voices from...
There is a Future if there is Truth
ABColombia Welcomes Colombia’s Truth Commission Report And Remembers the Victims 1 July 2022 ABColombia welcomes the launch, on 28 June...
National Case 3: Extrajudicial Executions by State Agents in the Special Jurisdiction for Peace
Case 3: JEP
Murders and forced disappearances presented as casualties in combat by agents of the State