Every day of impunity takes something away from us as victims and it is killing us slowly. Jineth Bedoya Lima...
Matarratón in El Porvenir: a short history
In August 2018 British Parliamentarians visited Matarratón in an effort to understand the complex situation of land. They found that...
2018 Delegation
Vichada: meeting with the: Sikuani, Sikuani-Cubeo, Puinave, Piapoco, Piaroa, Sáliba, Amorua, Curripacos, Tuparro Indigenous Peoples.
2018 Delegation of Parliamentarians in Conversation with Rural Women in Villavicenco
Members of the British Parliament participating in the August 2018 Delegation were: Chris Bryant MP and Patrick Grady MP. MP’s...
Security of Zenu Indigenous Leader: ABColombia sends letter to National Protection Unit
On 23 January 2019, ABColombia sent a letter to the Director of the National Protection Unit, Pablo Elías González Monguí,...
Odebrecht corruption scandal in Colombia
Lawyers file case against Chief Public Prosecutor in hope to restore public trust in the Rule of Law In light...
ABColombia Delegations of Parliamentarians to Colombia
ABColombia periodically takes members of the British Parliament and Dáil Éireann (Assemble of Ireland) to Colombia to visit communities and to...
ABColombia members reject the killing of Human Rights Defender José Antonio Navas
ABColombia members express their grave concern regarding the assassination of human rights defender and social leader, José Antonio Navas. Mr...
Joint letter: Human Rights Defenders are a cornerstone of sustainable development
ABColombia, together with the Coalition for Human Rights in Development and alongside more than 200 other groups and organisations, has...