This landmark case recognises the rights of the victims. The case against Chiquita Brands won recognition of the atrocities suffered...
Colombia wins against multinationals endeavouring to mine in protected areas of ecological importance
Grave concerns have been expressed internationally over the World Bank’s Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID) ruling in favour...
World Environment Day 2024
On World Environment Day, 5 June 2024, ABColombia would like to draw attention to the importance of making peace with...
Carta abierta de la Asociación de Cabildos Indígenas del Norte del Cauca (ACIN) al Estado Mayor Central – Bloque Jacob Arenas
La ACIN escribe esta carta abierta debido a las últimas acciones y crímenes cometidos por el Bloque Suroeste del EMC,...
Urgent appeal for the protection of the life and integrity of the communities and social leaders of Sur de Bolívar.
International Civil Society Organisations signatories of this statement issue an urgent alert regarding worrying situation facing communities in Sur de...
Llamamiento urgente por la protección de la vida e integridad de lascomunidades y liderazgos sociales del sur de Bolívar
Las Organizaciones Internacionales de la Sociedad Civil firmantes de esta declaración emiten una alerta urgente sobre la preocupante situación que...
URGENT ALERT from the Afro-Colombian Communities in the south of Riohacha at the foot of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta
4 March 2024 This is an unofficial translation and summary of the alert issued by the communities named below. The...
Shocking Report by UN Special Rapporteur David Boyd on How Multinational Companies are Preventing Countries from fulfilling their Climate Commitments
UN Special Rapporteur on human rights and the environment, David Boyd, stated in a recent report that multinational companies are...
International Women’s Day 2024: update on the implementation of UNSCR 1325 and the NAP
This International Women’s Day, 8 February 2024, ABColombia would like to draw attention to Colombia’s progress in developing and implementing...
UNSC Visit to Caquetá and Buenaventura
As ABColombia previously reported, the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) visited Colombia between 7 and 11 February 2024. The delegation’s...