27.11201829/01/2019 Conversatorio y lanzamiento público del informe “Hacia un cambio transformador”By ABColombiaIn Español, Events, News, Peace, Women
27.11201812/03/2019 Hacia un cambio transformador: las mujeres y la implementación del Acuerdo de Paz colombianoBy ABColombiaIn Español, News, Peace, Publicaciones en Español, Women
21.11201829/01/2019 Una paz sostenible para las mujeres colombianasBy ABColombiaIn Español, News, Peace, Press, Women
08.11201829/01/2019 Speech by Louise Winstanley (ABColombia) during London AGM of BHP BillitonBy ABColombiaIn Emblematic Cases, Human Rights, News
06.11201825/01/2019 Protection measures for Legal Representative of the Peace Community of San José de ApartadóBy ABColombiaIn Joint Letters, Letters of Concern, News, Peace
10.10201825/01/2019 Colombian acid attack survivor and activist to visit the UKBy ABColombiaIn News, Press, Women
03.10201825/01/2019 British MPs send letter to Colombian Minister of MinesBy ABColombiaIn Extractives, Letters of Concern, Letters to Colombian Govt, News
21.09201829/01/2019 Indigenous Peoples Hopes for Justice DashedBy Louise WinstanleyIn Emblematic Cases, Extractives, News, Vulnerable Communities
17.09201829/01/2019 ABColombia supports the Nobel Peace Prize being awarded to human rights defenders worldwideBy Louise WinstanleyIn Human Rights, Joint Letters, Letters of Concern, News
28.08201803/10/2018 Colombia River Stories: Letter to Minister MurilloBy ABColombiaIn Joint Letters, Letters of Concern, Letters to Colombian Govt, News
17.08201829/01/2019 To fly again: Alicia’s Story (Buenaventura)By ABColombiaIn Conflict, Emblematic Cases, News, Vulnerable Communities, Women
15.08201829/01/2019 ABColombia Letter to President DuqueBy ABColombiaIn Human Rights, Letters of Concern, Letters to Colombian Govt, News