The Embera indigenous peoples and the Afro-Colombian community of Jiguamiandó are trying to protect their land, the environment and their...
News Archive
Constitutional Court opens way for restitution of rights to Las Pavas community
The successive governments’ decision to expand monoculture for the production of biofuels is one of the drivers behind the development...
Cocomopoca: Their Right to Land in Colombia
In June 2011: Leaders from communities torn apart by Colombia’s internal armed conflict brought their stories to the UK...
Further analysis of the Victims Law 1448 of 2011
ABColombia recently published a briefing ahead of Congressional approval of the Colombia’s new Victims Law. Providing an analysis of the...
Land Briefing
Report here: Returning Land to Colombia’s Vicitms Report
Case of “Operation Genesis” at Inter-American Court of Human Rights
Victims describe what happened in “Operation Genesis” in a report to the Inter-American Commission of Human Rights (IACHR Report N...