Civil Society Blog Posts: Civil Society International Women’s Day 2025In Civil Society, Human Rights, News, News Archive, Women Día de la Dignidad de las Víctimas de Crímenes del Estado en ColombiaIn Civil Society, Conflict, Human Rights, News, News Archive, Peace Ongoing Violence in Catatumbo, Norte de SantanderIn Civil Society, Conflict, Human Rights, News, News Archive, Peace, Peace Processes, Vulnerable Communities The Tribunal – A FilmIn Civil Society, Extractives, Human Rights, News, News Archive, Vulnerable Communities Colombia: Rights of Rivers, Rights of PeoplesIn Civil Society, Extractives, Human Rights, Land, News, News Archive, Vulnerable Communities The Dangers of Being an Land and Environmental DefenderIn Civil Society, Human Rights, Land, News, News Archive, Vulnerable Communities International Day of Peace 2024In Civil Society, Human Rights, News, News Archive, Peace, Vulnerable Communities Climate Change and Conflict Disproportionately Impacts the Poorest in ColombiaIn Civil Society, Conflict, Human Rights, News, News Archive, Peace, Vulnerable Communities The Heartache of Enforced Disappearance – A Crime against HumanityIn Civil Society, Human Rights, News, News Archive, Peace International Day for the Elimination of Conflict Related Sexual ViolenceIn Civil Society, Human Rights, News, News Archive, Vulnerable Communities, Women Chiquita Brands Brought to Justice by Colombian VictimsIn Civil Society, Conflict, Human Rights, News, News Archive, Peace World Environment Day 2024In Civil Society, Extractives, Human Rights, Land, News, News Archive, Vulnerable Communities Urgent appeal for the protection of the life and integrity of the communities and social leaders of Sur de Bolívar.In Civil Society, Human Rights, Joint Letters, News, Vulnerable Communities Llamamiento urgente por la protección de la vida e integridad de lascomunidades y liderazgos sociales del sur de BolívarIn Civil Society, Español, Human Rights, Joint Letters, News, Vulnerable Communities International Women’s Day 2024: update on the implementation of UNSCR 1325 and the NAPIn Civil Society, Human Rights, News, News Archive, Women UNSC Visit to Caquetá and BuenaventuraIn Civil Society, Conflict, Human Rights, News, News Archive, Peace, Peace Processes, Peace Processes Forced Displacement of the Wiwa Indigenous PeoplesIn Civil Society, Conflict, Human Rights, Land, News, News Archive, Vulnerable Communities Afro-Colombian and Indigenous communities face higher risk to health and wellbeing in ColombiaIn Civil Society, Extractives, Human Rights, Land, News, Vulnerable Communities Urgente: Crisis Humanitaria en ColombiaIn Civil Society, Conflict, Español, Human Rights, News, News Archive, Peace, Press, Vulnerable Communities Urgent: Humanitarian Crisis in ColombiaIn Civil Society, Conflict, Human Rights, News, News Archive, Peace, Peace Processes, Vulnerable Communities CHARLA: Proceso de paz en Colombia bajo amenaza debido a demandas multimillonarias al estado por parte de empresas multinacionales: ¿Qué se puede hacer?In Civil Society, Español, Events, Extractives, Human Rights, Land, News, News Archive, Peace International Civil Society Organisations Alert: Imminent Humanitarian Tragedy in the Department of Chocó, ColombiaIn Civil Society, Conflict, Español, Human Rights, News, News Archive, Peace, Vulnerable Communities Comunidad internacional en Alerta por el riesgo de exterminio cultural y físico del Pueblo Indígena Awá dentro y fuera de su territorioIn Civil Society, Conflict, Español, Human Rights, News, News Archive, Peace, Vulnerable Communities Colombian Truth Commission’s Report: Achievements and setbacks one year after publicationIn Civil Society, Human Rights, News, News Archive, Peace, Transitional Justice “Colombia is a human rights priority for the UK”In Civil Society, Human Rights, News, News Archive, Parliament, Peace, Transitional Justice, Vulnerable Communities, Women The National Action Plan of Resolution 1325 will start from the recognition of the knowledge of women in peacebuildingIn Civil Society, Human Rights, News, News Archive, Peace, Women Open Letter: European Commission must uphold Corporate Transparency in the 6th Anti-Money Laundering Directive.In Civil Society, Joint Letters, News, News Archive ABColombia pays Tribute on Women’s Day 8 March 2023 to the Courage and ongoing pursuit for Justice of Colombian Investigative Journalist, Jineth Bedoya Lima In Campaigns, Civil Society, Emblematic Cases, Human Rights, News, News Archive, Peace, Women The Genocide of a Political Party – Unión Patriótica over 6,000 members killed in the 1980s and 1990sIn Civil Society, Human Rights, News, News Archive Colombia must strengthen the rule of law in areas particularly affected by violence and conflict.In Civil Society, Conflict, Human Rights, News, News Archive, Peace, Vulnerable Communities “Total Peace” in Colombia: A new step in the Implementation of the Colombian Peace AccordIn Civil Society, Human Rights, News, News Archive, Peace The signing of a Peace Accord has not stopped Sexual and Gender-based violence in ColombiaIn Civil Society, Conflict, Human Rights, Press, Women Event: Voices from Colombia: challenges to resistance and defending women’s and environmental rights in the territoriesIn Civil Society, Conflict, Events, Human Rights, News, News Archive, Vulnerable Communities, Women Event: Sexual and Gender-based Violence in Colombia a Feminist Perspective on SecurityIn Civil Society, Events, Human Rights, News, News Archive, Peace, Transitional Justice, Women Event: The Colombian Peace Process in a new political contextIn Civil Society, Español, Events, Human Rights, News, News Archive, Peace British Public and Investors Support new UK Legislation on Business, Human Rights and the Environment In Civil Society, Human Rights, News, News Archive Enforced Disappearances in Colombia: an ongoing issue.In Civil Society, Human Rights, News, News Archive Delegation of Parliamentarians to Colombia 2022In Civil Society, Conflict, Extractives, Human Rights, News, News Archive, Reports, Vulnerable Communities, Women Comunicado Público: Organizaciones y ONG internacionales alertan sobre grave crisis humanitaria sostenida en el departamento del ChocóIn Civil Society, Conflict, Español, Human Rights, Joint Letters, Letters of Concern, News, News Archive, Publicaciones en Español Lack of Government Support for the Ratification of the Escazú AgreementIn Civil Society, News, News Archive, Press UN & OAS Experts condemn repressive measures by Colombian PoliceIn Civil Society, Human Rights, News, News Archive, Press Ensuring civil society’s right to participation: Letter to the United NationsIn Civil Society, Joint Letters, News Peaceful Social Protest is essential for DemocracyIn Civil Society, Human Rights, News, News Archive Response to letter sent to Foreign Secretary: Concerns about death threats against Colombia Human Rights DefendersIn Civil Society, Human Rights, Letters of Concern, News, Responses to Letters “The peace process is an objective that everyone shares”: Security Council visit to ColombiaIn Civil Society, Human Rights, News British MPs ask UK Government to make joint Human Rights Statement with Colombia President DuqueIn Civil Society, Land, Letters of Concern, Letters to UK&Ireland, News Colombian Human Rights Defenders continue to be killed at an alarming rateIn Civil Society, News 2018 DelegationIn Civil Society, Conflict, Emblematic Cases, Human Rights, Land, News, News Archive, Vulnerable Communities, Women Discurso de Louise Winstanley durante el lanzamiento público del Informe “Hacia un cambio transformador”In Civil Society, Español, News, Peace, Women Civil Society activists call for Humanitarian Agreement in ChocóIn 2017, Civil Society, Conflict, Human Rights, News, Vulnerable Communities Joint statement rejecting the murder of Gerson AcostaIn 2017, Civil Society, Joint Letters, News Archive, Vulnerable Communities Voces de la Sociedad Civil: Agendas por la Paz en ColombiaIn Civil Society, Español, News, Peace, Publicaciones en Español Civil Society Voices: Agendas for Peace in ColombiaIn Civil Society, News, Peace, Reports Journalist Jineth Bedoya calls for greater recognition and protection for Colombia’s victimsIn Civil Society, Conflict, News, News Archive, Women Civil Society Speaking Out: Agendas for a sustainable peace in ColombiaIn Civil Society, News, Peace, Reports, Vulnerable Communities Colombian Victims call for Immediate Ceasefire and Integral ReparationIn Civil Society, Conflict, News Archive, Vulnerable Communities Grassroots initiatives hold key to lasting peace in ColombiaIn Civil Society, News Archive, Peace, Vulnerable Communities Women Human Rights Defenders and the Struggle for Justice in ColombiaIn Civil Society, Human Rights, News, Reports, Women Video: Civil Society Voices in the Peace Process with the ELN More Videos
Día de la Dignidad de las Víctimas de Crímenes del Estado en ColombiaIn Civil Society, Conflict, Human Rights, News, News Archive, Peace
Ongoing Violence in Catatumbo, Norte de SantanderIn Civil Society, Conflict, Human Rights, News, News Archive, Peace, Peace Processes, Vulnerable Communities
The Tribunal – A FilmIn Civil Society, Extractives, Human Rights, News, News Archive, Vulnerable Communities
Colombia: Rights of Rivers, Rights of PeoplesIn Civil Society, Extractives, Human Rights, Land, News, News Archive, Vulnerable Communities
The Dangers of Being an Land and Environmental DefenderIn Civil Society, Human Rights, Land, News, News Archive, Vulnerable Communities
International Day of Peace 2024In Civil Society, Human Rights, News, News Archive, Peace, Vulnerable Communities
Climate Change and Conflict Disproportionately Impacts the Poorest in ColombiaIn Civil Society, Conflict, Human Rights, News, News Archive, Peace, Vulnerable Communities
The Heartache of Enforced Disappearance – A Crime against HumanityIn Civil Society, Human Rights, News, News Archive, Peace
International Day for the Elimination of Conflict Related Sexual ViolenceIn Civil Society, Human Rights, News, News Archive, Vulnerable Communities, Women
Chiquita Brands Brought to Justice by Colombian VictimsIn Civil Society, Conflict, Human Rights, News, News Archive, Peace
World Environment Day 2024In Civil Society, Extractives, Human Rights, Land, News, News Archive, Vulnerable Communities
Urgent appeal for the protection of the life and integrity of the communities and social leaders of Sur de Bolívar.In Civil Society, Human Rights, Joint Letters, News, Vulnerable Communities
Llamamiento urgente por la protección de la vida e integridad de lascomunidades y liderazgos sociales del sur de BolívarIn Civil Society, Español, Human Rights, Joint Letters, News, Vulnerable Communities
International Women’s Day 2024: update on the implementation of UNSCR 1325 and the NAPIn Civil Society, Human Rights, News, News Archive, Women
UNSC Visit to Caquetá and BuenaventuraIn Civil Society, Conflict, Human Rights, News, News Archive, Peace, Peace Processes, Peace Processes
Forced Displacement of the Wiwa Indigenous PeoplesIn Civil Society, Conflict, Human Rights, Land, News, News Archive, Vulnerable Communities
Afro-Colombian and Indigenous communities face higher risk to health and wellbeing in ColombiaIn Civil Society, Extractives, Human Rights, Land, News, Vulnerable Communities
Urgente: Crisis Humanitaria en ColombiaIn Civil Society, Conflict, Español, Human Rights, News, News Archive, Peace, Press, Vulnerable Communities
Urgent: Humanitarian Crisis in ColombiaIn Civil Society, Conflict, Human Rights, News, News Archive, Peace, Peace Processes, Vulnerable Communities
CHARLA: Proceso de paz en Colombia bajo amenaza debido a demandas multimillonarias al estado por parte de empresas multinacionales: ¿Qué se puede hacer?In Civil Society, Español, Events, Extractives, Human Rights, Land, News, News Archive, Peace
International Civil Society Organisations Alert: Imminent Humanitarian Tragedy in the Department of Chocó, ColombiaIn Civil Society, Conflict, Español, Human Rights, News, News Archive, Peace, Vulnerable Communities
Comunidad internacional en Alerta por el riesgo de exterminio cultural y físico del Pueblo Indígena Awá dentro y fuera de su territorioIn Civil Society, Conflict, Español, Human Rights, News, News Archive, Peace, Vulnerable Communities
Colombian Truth Commission’s Report: Achievements and setbacks one year after publicationIn Civil Society, Human Rights, News, News Archive, Peace, Transitional Justice
“Colombia is a human rights priority for the UK”In Civil Society, Human Rights, News, News Archive, Parliament, Peace, Transitional Justice, Vulnerable Communities, Women
The National Action Plan of Resolution 1325 will start from the recognition of the knowledge of women in peacebuildingIn Civil Society, Human Rights, News, News Archive, Peace, Women
Open Letter: European Commission must uphold Corporate Transparency in the 6th Anti-Money Laundering Directive.In Civil Society, Joint Letters, News, News Archive
ABColombia pays Tribute on Women’s Day 8 March 2023 to the Courage and ongoing pursuit for Justice of Colombian Investigative Journalist, Jineth Bedoya Lima In Campaigns, Civil Society, Emblematic Cases, Human Rights, News, News Archive, Peace, Women
The Genocide of a Political Party – Unión Patriótica over 6,000 members killed in the 1980s and 1990sIn Civil Society, Human Rights, News, News Archive
Colombia must strengthen the rule of law in areas particularly affected by violence and conflict.In Civil Society, Conflict, Human Rights, News, News Archive, Peace, Vulnerable Communities
“Total Peace” in Colombia: A new step in the Implementation of the Colombian Peace AccordIn Civil Society, Human Rights, News, News Archive, Peace
The signing of a Peace Accord has not stopped Sexual and Gender-based violence in ColombiaIn Civil Society, Conflict, Human Rights, Press, Women
Event: Voices from Colombia: challenges to resistance and defending women’s and environmental rights in the territoriesIn Civil Society, Conflict, Events, Human Rights, News, News Archive, Vulnerable Communities, Women
Event: Sexual and Gender-based Violence in Colombia a Feminist Perspective on SecurityIn Civil Society, Events, Human Rights, News, News Archive, Peace, Transitional Justice, Women
Event: The Colombian Peace Process in a new political contextIn Civil Society, Español, Events, Human Rights, News, News Archive, Peace
British Public and Investors Support new UK Legislation on Business, Human Rights and the Environment In Civil Society, Human Rights, News, News Archive
Enforced Disappearances in Colombia: an ongoing issue.In Civil Society, Human Rights, News, News Archive
Delegation of Parliamentarians to Colombia 2022In Civil Society, Conflict, Extractives, Human Rights, News, News Archive, Reports, Vulnerable Communities, Women
Comunicado Público: Organizaciones y ONG internacionales alertan sobre grave crisis humanitaria sostenida en el departamento del ChocóIn Civil Society, Conflict, Español, Human Rights, Joint Letters, Letters of Concern, News, News Archive, Publicaciones en Español
Lack of Government Support for the Ratification of the Escazú AgreementIn Civil Society, News, News Archive, Press
UN & OAS Experts condemn repressive measures by Colombian PoliceIn Civil Society, Human Rights, News, News Archive, Press
Ensuring civil society’s right to participation: Letter to the United NationsIn Civil Society, Joint Letters, News
Response to letter sent to Foreign Secretary: Concerns about death threats against Colombia Human Rights DefendersIn Civil Society, Human Rights, Letters of Concern, News, Responses to Letters
“The peace process is an objective that everyone shares”: Security Council visit to ColombiaIn Civil Society, Human Rights, News
British MPs ask UK Government to make joint Human Rights Statement with Colombia President DuqueIn Civil Society, Land, Letters of Concern, Letters to UK&Ireland, News
2018 DelegationIn Civil Society, Conflict, Emblematic Cases, Human Rights, Land, News, News Archive, Vulnerable Communities, Women
Discurso de Louise Winstanley durante el lanzamiento público del Informe “Hacia un cambio transformador”In Civil Society, Español, News, Peace, Women
Civil Society activists call for Humanitarian Agreement in ChocóIn 2017, Civil Society, Conflict, Human Rights, News, Vulnerable Communities
Joint statement rejecting the murder of Gerson AcostaIn 2017, Civil Society, Joint Letters, News Archive, Vulnerable Communities
Voces de la Sociedad Civil: Agendas por la Paz en ColombiaIn Civil Society, Español, News, Peace, Publicaciones en Español
Journalist Jineth Bedoya calls for greater recognition and protection for Colombia’s victimsIn Civil Society, Conflict, News, News Archive, Women
Civil Society Speaking Out: Agendas for a sustainable peace in ColombiaIn Civil Society, News, Peace, Reports, Vulnerable Communities
Colombian Victims call for Immediate Ceasefire and Integral ReparationIn Civil Society, Conflict, News Archive, Vulnerable Communities
Grassroots initiatives hold key to lasting peace in ColombiaIn Civil Society, News Archive, Peace, Vulnerable Communities
Women Human Rights Defenders and the Struggle for Justice in ColombiaIn Civil Society, Human Rights, News, Reports, Women