Conflict Blog Posts: Conflict in Colombia Día de la Dignidad de las Víctimas de Crímenes del Estado en ColombiaIn Civil Society, Conflict, Human Rights, News, News Archive, Peace Ongoing Violence in Catatumbo, Norte de SantanderIn Civil Society, Conflict, Human Rights, News, News Archive, Peace, Peace Processes, Vulnerable Communities 8th Anniversary of the Peace AccordIn Conflict, News, News Archive, Peace Colombian Government start official discussions with AGC/Clan de GolfoIn Conflict, News, News Archive, Peace, Peace Processes Climate Change and Conflict Disproportionately Impacts the Poorest in ColombiaIn Civil Society, Conflict, Human Rights, News, News Archive, Peace, Vulnerable Communities Chiquita Brands Brought to Justice by Colombian VictimsIn Civil Society, Conflict, Human Rights, News, News Archive, Peace Carta abierta de la Asociación de Cabildos Indígenas del Norte del Cauca (ACIN) al Estado Mayor Central – Bloque Jacob ArenasIn Conflict, Español, Human Rights, News, News Archive, Peace, Publicaciones en Español, Vulnerable Communities UNSC Visit to Caquetá and BuenaventuraIn Civil Society, Conflict, Human Rights, News, News Archive, Peace, Peace Processes, Peace Processes Forced Displacement of the Wiwa Indigenous PeoplesIn Civil Society, Conflict, Human Rights, Land, News, News Archive, Vulnerable Communities Colombian Special Jurisdiction for Peace opens a National Case on Conflict-related Sexual and Gender-based ViolenceIn Conflict, Human Rights, JEP, News, News Archive, Peace, Peace Processes, Peace Processes, Transitional Justice, Women Bedoya Lima et al V Colombia: Two Years LaterIn Conflict, Human Rights, News, Peace, Transitional Justice, Women Urgente: Crisis Humanitaria en ColombiaIn Civil Society, Conflict, Español, Human Rights, News, News Archive, Peace, Press, Vulnerable Communities Urgent: Humanitarian Crisis in ColombiaIn Civil Society, Conflict, Human Rights, News, News Archive, Peace, Peace Processes, Vulnerable Communities International Civil Society Organisations Alert: Imminent Humanitarian Tragedy in the Department of Chocó, ColombiaIn Civil Society, Conflict, Español, Human Rights, News, News Archive, Peace, Vulnerable Communities Comunidad internacional en Alerta por el riesgo de exterminio cultural y físico del Pueblo Indígena Awá dentro y fuera de su territorioIn Civil Society, Conflict, Español, Human Rights, News, News Archive, Peace, Vulnerable Communities Briefing by Carlos Ruiz Massieu Special Representative of the Secretary General and Head of the UN Verification Mission in ColombiaIn Conflict, News, News Archive, Peace ELN Peace Talks TimelineIn Conflict, News, News Archive, Peace Pressure Rises to Open Macrocase11 on Sexual Violence in Conflict in ColombiaIn Conflict, Human Rights, News, News Archive, Peace, Women Public Statement: Urgent call to protect people not linked to the armed conflict in ColombiaIn Conflict, Español, External Publications, Letters of Concern, News, News Archive, Peace, Publicaciones en Español Colombia must strengthen the rule of law in areas particularly affected by violence and conflict.In Civil Society, Conflict, Human Rights, News, News Archive, Peace, Vulnerable Communities The signing of a Peace Accord has not stopped Sexual and Gender-based violence in ColombiaIn Civil Society, Conflict, Human Rights, Press, Women Event: Voices from Colombia: challenges to resistance and defending women’s and environmental rights in the territoriesIn Civil Society, Conflict, Events, Human Rights, News, News Archive, Vulnerable Communities, Women Delegation of Parliamentarians to Colombia 2022In Civil Society, Conflict, Extractives, Human Rights, News, News Archive, Reports, Vulnerable Communities, Women Comunicado Público: Organizaciones y ONG internacionales alertan sobre grave crisis humanitaria sostenida en el departamento del ChocóIn Civil Society, Conflict, Español, Human Rights, Joint Letters, Letters of Concern, News, News Archive, Publicaciones en Español National Case 3: Extrajudicial Executions by State Agents in the Special Jurisdiction for PeaceIn Conflict, Emblematic Cases, Human Rights, News, News Archive, Transitional Justice Urgent open dialogue is needed between the Catholic Church and the Colombian Government to find solutions for Chocó.In Conflict, Human Rights, News, News Archive, Peace, Vulnerable Communities Case 03: Killings and forced disappearances presented as casualties in combat by state agentsIn Conflict, JEP, News, News Archive, Transitional Justice Demining in Colombia must remain a priorityIn Conflict, News, News Archive The Protection of People in the midst of conflict is an ethical and political imperative that is a commitment of our humanityIn 2017, Conflict, Letters to Colombian Govt, News, News Archive The Special Jurisdiction for PeaceIn 2017, Conflict, Human Rights, JEP, News, Peace Protests greet the Colombian President’s visit to the UKIn Conflict, Human Rights, News While the UK prepares for Colombia President Duque’s visit, violence against Human Rights Defenders and communities exacerbatesIn Conflict, News, Press, Vulnerable Communities Colombia: Grassroots Perspectives on what makes for PeaceIn Conflict, Events, Land, News, Vulnerable Communities ABColombia urges Colombian Government to pursue peaceful and negotiated solution to internal armed conflictIn Conflict, News Communities in Chocó call on all armed actors in the Colombian conflict to respect International Humanitarian LawIn Conflict, News, Vulnerable Communities 2018 DelegationIn Civil Society, Conflict, Emblematic Cases, Human Rights, Land, News, News Archive, Vulnerable Communities, Women To fly again: Alicia’s Story (Buenaventura)In Conflict, Emblematic Cases, News, Vulnerable Communities, Women Correspondence with Sir Alan Duncan on Humanitarian Crisis in ChocóIn Conflict, Letters of Concern, Letters to UK&Ireland, News, Vulnerable Communities Letter to Minister Coveney on Humanitarian Crisis in Chocó and Human Rights DefendersIn Conflict, Human Rights, Letters of Concern, Letters to UK&Ireland, News, Vulnerable Communities Mining, Social Conflict and Alternatives in Colombia and PeruIn Conflict, Events, Extractives, News, Vulnerable Communities Civil Society activists call for Humanitarian Agreement in ChocóIn 2017, Civil Society, Conflict, Human Rights, News, Vulnerable Communities Survey of the Prevalence of Sexual Violence against Women in the Context of the Colombian Armed Conflict 2010-15In 2017, Conflict, News, Women ABColombia endorses legal challengeIn Conflict, News, Peace Conflict Exacerbates in ChocóIn 2017, Conflict, Press, Vulnerable Communities Alimentando el Conflicto en Colombia: el Impacto de la Minería de Oro en ChocóIn Conflict, Español, Extractives, Publicaciones en Español Fuelling Conflict in Colombia: The Impact of Gold Mining in ChocoIn Conflict, Extractives, News, Reports, Vulnerable Communities Progress despite adversity: women’s empowerment and conflict in ColombiaIn Conflict, Contributions, News, Women Conflict Minerals: ABColombia signs open letter to ParliamentIn Conflict, Extractives, News Archive Journalist Jineth Bedoya calls for greater recognition and protection for Colombia’s victimsIn Civil Society, Conflict, News, News Archive, Women Colombian Victims call for Immediate Ceasefire and Integral ReparationIn Civil Society, Conflict, News Archive, Vulnerable Communities Colombia: Women, conflict-related sexual violence and the peace processIn Conflict, News, Reports, Women Colombia: Mujeres, Violencia Sexual en el Conflicto y el Proceso de PazIn Conflict, Español, Peace, Publicaciones en Español, Women Atrapados en el fuego cruzado: los Pueblos Indígenas en ColombiaIn Conflict, Español, Land, Publicaciones en Español, Vulnerable Communities Caught in the Crossfire: Colombia’s Indigenous PeoplesIn Conflict, Land, Reports, Vulnerable Communities Case of “Operation Genesis” at Inter-American Court of Human RightsIn Conflict, Human Rights, News, News Archive
Día de la Dignidad de las Víctimas de Crímenes del Estado en ColombiaIn Civil Society, Conflict, Human Rights, News, News Archive, Peace
Ongoing Violence in Catatumbo, Norte de SantanderIn Civil Society, Conflict, Human Rights, News, News Archive, Peace, Peace Processes, Vulnerable Communities
Colombian Government start official discussions with AGC/Clan de GolfoIn Conflict, News, News Archive, Peace, Peace Processes
Climate Change and Conflict Disproportionately Impacts the Poorest in ColombiaIn Civil Society, Conflict, Human Rights, News, News Archive, Peace, Vulnerable Communities
Chiquita Brands Brought to Justice by Colombian VictimsIn Civil Society, Conflict, Human Rights, News, News Archive, Peace
Carta abierta de la Asociación de Cabildos Indígenas del Norte del Cauca (ACIN) al Estado Mayor Central – Bloque Jacob ArenasIn Conflict, Español, Human Rights, News, News Archive, Peace, Publicaciones en Español, Vulnerable Communities
UNSC Visit to Caquetá and BuenaventuraIn Civil Society, Conflict, Human Rights, News, News Archive, Peace, Peace Processes, Peace Processes
Forced Displacement of the Wiwa Indigenous PeoplesIn Civil Society, Conflict, Human Rights, Land, News, News Archive, Vulnerable Communities
Colombian Special Jurisdiction for Peace opens a National Case on Conflict-related Sexual and Gender-based ViolenceIn Conflict, Human Rights, JEP, News, News Archive, Peace, Peace Processes, Peace Processes, Transitional Justice, Women
Bedoya Lima et al V Colombia: Two Years LaterIn Conflict, Human Rights, News, Peace, Transitional Justice, Women
Urgente: Crisis Humanitaria en ColombiaIn Civil Society, Conflict, Español, Human Rights, News, News Archive, Peace, Press, Vulnerable Communities
Urgent: Humanitarian Crisis in ColombiaIn Civil Society, Conflict, Human Rights, News, News Archive, Peace, Peace Processes, Vulnerable Communities
International Civil Society Organisations Alert: Imminent Humanitarian Tragedy in the Department of Chocó, ColombiaIn Civil Society, Conflict, Español, Human Rights, News, News Archive, Peace, Vulnerable Communities
Comunidad internacional en Alerta por el riesgo de exterminio cultural y físico del Pueblo Indígena Awá dentro y fuera de su territorioIn Civil Society, Conflict, Español, Human Rights, News, News Archive, Peace, Vulnerable Communities
Briefing by Carlos Ruiz Massieu Special Representative of the Secretary General and Head of the UN Verification Mission in ColombiaIn Conflict, News, News Archive, Peace
Pressure Rises to Open Macrocase11 on Sexual Violence in Conflict in ColombiaIn Conflict, Human Rights, News, News Archive, Peace, Women
Public Statement: Urgent call to protect people not linked to the armed conflict in ColombiaIn Conflict, Español, External Publications, Letters of Concern, News, News Archive, Peace, Publicaciones en Español
Colombia must strengthen the rule of law in areas particularly affected by violence and conflict.In Civil Society, Conflict, Human Rights, News, News Archive, Peace, Vulnerable Communities
The signing of a Peace Accord has not stopped Sexual and Gender-based violence in ColombiaIn Civil Society, Conflict, Human Rights, Press, Women
Event: Voices from Colombia: challenges to resistance and defending women’s and environmental rights in the territoriesIn Civil Society, Conflict, Events, Human Rights, News, News Archive, Vulnerable Communities, Women
Delegation of Parliamentarians to Colombia 2022In Civil Society, Conflict, Extractives, Human Rights, News, News Archive, Reports, Vulnerable Communities, Women
Comunicado Público: Organizaciones y ONG internacionales alertan sobre grave crisis humanitaria sostenida en el departamento del ChocóIn Civil Society, Conflict, Español, Human Rights, Joint Letters, Letters of Concern, News, News Archive, Publicaciones en Español
National Case 3: Extrajudicial Executions by State Agents in the Special Jurisdiction for PeaceIn Conflict, Emblematic Cases, Human Rights, News, News Archive, Transitional Justice
Urgent open dialogue is needed between the Catholic Church and the Colombian Government to find solutions for Chocó.In Conflict, Human Rights, News, News Archive, Peace, Vulnerable Communities
Case 03: Killings and forced disappearances presented as casualties in combat by state agentsIn Conflict, JEP, News, News Archive, Transitional Justice
The Protection of People in the midst of conflict is an ethical and political imperative that is a commitment of our humanityIn 2017, Conflict, Letters to Colombian Govt, News, News Archive
While the UK prepares for Colombia President Duque’s visit, violence against Human Rights Defenders and communities exacerbatesIn Conflict, News, Press, Vulnerable Communities
Colombia: Grassroots Perspectives on what makes for PeaceIn Conflict, Events, Land, News, Vulnerable Communities
ABColombia urges Colombian Government to pursue peaceful and negotiated solution to internal armed conflictIn Conflict, News
Communities in Chocó call on all armed actors in the Colombian conflict to respect International Humanitarian LawIn Conflict, News, Vulnerable Communities
2018 DelegationIn Civil Society, Conflict, Emblematic Cases, Human Rights, Land, News, News Archive, Vulnerable Communities, Women
To fly again: Alicia’s Story (Buenaventura)In Conflict, Emblematic Cases, News, Vulnerable Communities, Women
Correspondence with Sir Alan Duncan on Humanitarian Crisis in ChocóIn Conflict, Letters of Concern, Letters to UK&Ireland, News, Vulnerable Communities
Letter to Minister Coveney on Humanitarian Crisis in Chocó and Human Rights DefendersIn Conflict, Human Rights, Letters of Concern, Letters to UK&Ireland, News, Vulnerable Communities
Mining, Social Conflict and Alternatives in Colombia and PeruIn Conflict, Events, Extractives, News, Vulnerable Communities
Civil Society activists call for Humanitarian Agreement in ChocóIn 2017, Civil Society, Conflict, Human Rights, News, Vulnerable Communities
Survey of the Prevalence of Sexual Violence against Women in the Context of the Colombian Armed Conflict 2010-15In 2017, Conflict, News, Women
Alimentando el Conflicto en Colombia: el Impacto de la Minería de Oro en ChocóIn Conflict, Español, Extractives, Publicaciones en Español
Fuelling Conflict in Colombia: The Impact of Gold Mining in ChocoIn Conflict, Extractives, News, Reports, Vulnerable Communities
Progress despite adversity: women’s empowerment and conflict in ColombiaIn Conflict, Contributions, News, Women
Journalist Jineth Bedoya calls for greater recognition and protection for Colombia’s victimsIn Civil Society, Conflict, News, News Archive, Women
Colombian Victims call for Immediate Ceasefire and Integral ReparationIn Civil Society, Conflict, News Archive, Vulnerable Communities
Colombia: Women, conflict-related sexual violence and the peace processIn Conflict, News, Reports, Women
Colombia: Mujeres, Violencia Sexual en el Conflicto y el Proceso de PazIn Conflict, Español, Peace, Publicaciones en Español, Women
Atrapados en el fuego cruzado: los Pueblos Indígenas en ColombiaIn Conflict, Español, Land, Publicaciones en Español, Vulnerable Communities
Caught in the Crossfire: Colombia’s Indigenous PeoplesIn Conflict, Land, Reports, Vulnerable Communities
Case of “Operation Genesis” at Inter-American Court of Human RightsIn Conflict, Human Rights, News, News Archive