Human Rights & Human Rights Defenders in Colombia Video: Human Rights Defenders as Peacebuilders More Videos Blog Posts: Human Rights and Human Rights Defenders International Women’s Day 2025In Civil Society, Human Rights, News, News Archive, Women Día de la Dignidad de las Víctimas de Crímenes del Estado en ColombiaIn Civil Society, Conflict, Human Rights, News, News Archive, Peace Ongoing Violence in Catatumbo, Norte de SantanderIn Civil Society, Conflict, Human Rights, News, News Archive, Peace, Peace Processes, Vulnerable Communities ABColombia and Coalition of UK NGOs Call on UK Government to end the Colombia-UK Bilateral Investment TreatyIn Human Rights, News “A Call from the Heart of the World” from the Wiwa Peoples of the Sierra Nevada de Santa MartaIn Human Rights, Land, News, Vulnerable Communities International Day for the Prevention of and Healing from Child Sexual Exploitation, Abuse and ViolenceIn Human Rights, News, Vulnerable Communities The Tribunal – A FilmIn Civil Society, Extractives, Human Rights, News, News Archive, Vulnerable Communities United Nations Day 2024In Human Rights, News, News Archive, Peace, Peace Processes The Atrato River and COP16In Extractives, Human Rights, Land, News, Vulnerable Communities Colombia: No more Impunity for the killing of Social LeadersIn Human Rights, News, News Archive, Women Colombia: Rights of Rivers, Rights of PeoplesIn Civil Society, Extractives, Human Rights, Land, News, News Archive, Vulnerable Communities The Dangers of Being an Land and Environmental DefenderIn Civil Society, Human Rights, Land, News, News Archive, Vulnerable Communities International Day of Peace 2024In Civil Society, Human Rights, News, News Archive, Peace, Vulnerable Communities Corporate Justice: Business, Human Rights and Environmental Due Diligence LawIn Campaigns, Extractives, Human Rights Jineth Bedoya’s Courage results in Women Journalist Protection FundIn Human Rights, News, News Archive, Women Climate Change and Conflict Disproportionately Impacts the Poorest in ColombiaIn Civil Society, Conflict, Human Rights, News, News Archive, Peace, Vulnerable Communities International Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples 2024In Human Rights, Land, News, News Archive, Peace Processes, Vulnerable Communities The Heartache of Enforced Disappearance – A Crime against HumanityIn Civil Society, Human Rights, News, News Archive, Peace International Day for the Elimination of Conflict Related Sexual ViolenceIn Civil Society, Human Rights, News, News Archive, Vulnerable Communities, Women Chiquita Brands Brought to Justice by Colombian VictimsIn Civil Society, Conflict, Human Rights, News, News Archive, Peace Colombia wins against multinationals endeavouring to mine in protected areas of ecological importanceIn Extractives, Human Rights, Land, News, News Archive, Vulnerable Communities World Environment Day 2024In Civil Society, Extractives, Human Rights, Land, News, News Archive, Vulnerable Communities Carta abierta de la Asociación de Cabildos Indígenas del Norte del Cauca (ACIN) al Estado Mayor Central – Bloque Jacob ArenasIn Conflict, Español, Human Rights, News, News Archive, Peace, Publicaciones en Español, Vulnerable Communities Urgent appeal for the protection of the life and integrity of the communities and social leaders of Sur de Bolívar.In Civil Society, Human Rights, Joint Letters, News, Vulnerable Communities Llamamiento urgente por la protección de la vida e integridad de lascomunidades y liderazgos sociales del sur de BolívarIn Civil Society, Español, Human Rights, Joint Letters, News, Vulnerable Communities International Women’s Day 2024: update on the implementation of UNSCR 1325 and the NAPIn Civil Society, Human Rights, News, News Archive, Women UNSC Visit to Caquetá and BuenaventuraIn Civil Society, Conflict, Human Rights, News, News Archive, Peace, Peace Processes, Peace Processes Forced Displacement of the Wiwa Indigenous PeoplesIn Civil Society, Conflict, Human Rights, Land, News, News Archive, Vulnerable Communities Jakeline Romero Epiayú, 1979 – 2024In Human Rights, Land, News, Vulnerable Communities, Women Forced Recruitment of Children in ColombiaIn Human Rights, News, News Archive, Peace, Vulnerable Communities Afro-Colombian and Indigenous communities face higher risk to health and wellbeing in ColombiaIn Civil Society, Extractives, Human Rights, Land, News, Vulnerable Communities 75 Years of the Universal Declaration of Human RightsIn Human Rights, News Unmasking Glencore: A Toxic Legacy in ColombiaIn Emblematic Cases, Extractives, Human Rights, News, News Archive, Vulnerable Communities Colombian Special Jurisdiction for Peace opens a National Case on Conflict-related Sexual and Gender-based ViolenceIn Conflict, Human Rights, JEP, News, News Archive, Peace, Peace Processes, Peace Processes, Transitional Justice, Women Bedoya Lima et al V Colombia: Two Years LaterIn Conflict, Human Rights, News, Peace, Transitional Justice, Women Urgente: Crisis Humanitaria en ColombiaIn Civil Society, Conflict, Español, Human Rights, News, News Archive, Peace, Press, Vulnerable Communities Urgent: Humanitarian Crisis in ColombiaIn Civil Society, Conflict, Human Rights, News, News Archive, Peace, Peace Processes, Vulnerable Communities CHARLA: Proceso de paz en Colombia bajo amenaza debido a demandas multimillonarias al estado por parte de empresas multinacionales: ¿Qué se puede hacer?In Civil Society, Español, Events, Extractives, Human Rights, Land, News, News Archive, Peace International Civil Society Organisations Alert: Imminent Humanitarian Tragedy in the Department of Chocó, ColombiaIn Civil Society, Conflict, Español, Human Rights, News, News Archive, Peace, Vulnerable Communities Comunidad internacional en Alerta por el riesgo de exterminio cultural y físico del Pueblo Indígena Awá dentro y fuera de su territorioIn Civil Society, Conflict, Español, Human Rights, News, News Archive, Peace, Vulnerable Communities Colombian Truth Commission’s Report: Achievements and setbacks one year after publicationIn Civil Society, Human Rights, News, News Archive, Peace, Transitional Justice Urgent Action to protect the environment and the Paimadó communityIn Español, Extractives, Human Rights, Letters of Concern, Letters to Colombian Govt, News, News Archive, Vulnerable Communities “Colombia es un país prioritario en derechos humanos para el Reino Unido”.In Español, Human Rights, News, News Archive, Peace, Transitional Justice, Videos “Colombia is a human rights priority for the UK”In Civil Society, Human Rights, News, News Archive, Parliament, Peace, Transitional Justice, Vulnerable Communities, Women Pressure Rises to Open Macrocase11 on Sexual Violence in Conflict in ColombiaIn Conflict, Human Rights, News, News Archive, Peace, Women The National Action Plan of Resolution 1325 will start from the recognition of the knowledge of women in peacebuildingIn Civil Society, Human Rights, News, News Archive, Peace, Women ABColombia Recommends Urgent ActionIn Human Rights, News, News Archive, Women International Water Day 2023In Emblematic Cases, Extractives, Human Rights, Land, News, News Archive, Vulnerable Communities Colombia’s Transitional Justice System Macrocase 09: Crimes Committed Against Indigenous Ethnic Peoples and Territories.In Emblematic Cases, Human Rights, JEP, Land, News, News Archive, Peace, Vulnerable Communities ABColombia pays Tribute on Women’s Day 8 March 2023 to the Courage and ongoing pursuit for Justice of Colombian Investigative Journalist, Jineth Bedoya Lima In Campaigns, Civil Society, Emblematic Cases, Human Rights, News, News Archive, Peace, Women Renewable energy: How does it differ from fossil fuel extractives when it comes to respecting the rights of communities and the environment?In Extractives, Human Rights, Land, News, News Archive, Vulnerable Communities The Genocide of a Political Party – Unión Patriótica over 6,000 members killed in the 1980s and 1990sIn Civil Society, Human Rights, News, News Archive Colombia must strengthen the rule of law in areas particularly affected by violence and conflict.In Civil Society, Conflict, Human Rights, News, News Archive, Peace, Vulnerable Communities “Total Peace” in Colombia: A new step in the Implementation of the Colombian Peace AccordIn Civil Society, Human Rights, News, News Archive, Peace The signing of a Peace Accord has not stopped Sexual and Gender-based violence in ColombiaIn Civil Society, Conflict, Human Rights, Press, Women Event: Voices from Colombia: challenges to resistance and defending women’s and environmental rights in the territoriesIn Civil Society, Conflict, Events, Human Rights, News, News Archive, Vulnerable Communities, Women Event: Sexual and Gender-based Violence in Colombia a Feminist Perspective on SecurityIn Civil Society, Events, Human Rights, News, News Archive, Peace, Transitional Justice, Women Event: The Colombian Peace Process in a new political contextIn Civil Society, Español, Events, Human Rights, News, News Archive, Peace British Public and Investors Support new UK Legislation on Business, Human Rights and the Environment In Civil Society, Human Rights, News, News Archive Enforced Disappearances in Colombia: an ongoing issue.In Civil Society, Human Rights, News, News Archive Public Statement: Express of concern about recent threats and intimidation toward lawyer Yessika Hoyos Morales, member of the José Alvear Restrepo Lawyers’ Collective (Cajar)In Español, Human Rights, Joint Letters, Letters of Concern, News, News Archive, Women Delegation of Parliamentarians to Colombia 2022In Civil Society, Conflict, Extractives, Human Rights, News, News Archive, Reports, Vulnerable Communities, Women The Wayúu Indigenous Peoples continue their Struggle for the rights of the Arroyo BrunoIn Emblematic Cases, Extractives, Human Rights, News, News Archive, Vulnerable Communities Human Rights Defenders in ColombiaIn Emblematic Cases, Human Rights, News, News Archive Comunicado Público: Organizaciones y ONG internacionales alertan sobre grave crisis humanitaria sostenida en el departamento del ChocóIn Civil Society, Conflict, Español, Human Rights, Joint Letters, Letters of Concern, News, News Archive, Publicaciones en Español National Case 3: Extrajudicial Executions by State Agents in the Special Jurisdiction for PeaceIn Conflict, Emblematic Cases, Human Rights, News, News Archive, Transitional Justice Public Statement: UK and Irish Parliamentary Delegation to Colombia Express Profound Concerns for the Rights of the Wayuu Indigenous Peoples and Afro-Colombian Communities in La Guajira, Colombia.In Extractives, Human Rights, Letters of Concern, Letters to Colombian Govt, News, News Archive, Parliament Public Statement: International organisations from the civil society reject the assassination of Thuthenas (consejero) Miller Correa.In Español, Human Rights, Joint Letters, Letters of Concern, News, News Archive, Publicaciones en Español World Water Day 2022In Emblematic Cases, Human Rights, Land, News, News Archive, Vulnerable Communities Urgent open dialogue is needed between the Catholic Church and the Colombian Government to find solutions for Chocó.In Conflict, Human Rights, News, News Archive, Peace, Vulnerable Communities Public Statement: SOS AraucaIn Human Rights, News, Peace Human Rights Defender Luz Marina Arteaga’s Body found discarded in the River MetaIn Emblematic Cases, Human Rights, News, News Archive, Vulnerable Communities, Women Put human rights at the centre of environmental policyIn Human Rights, News, News Archive, Press Forced Displacement in Colombia Significantly IncreasedIn Human Rights, News, News Archive ABColombia at COP26In COP26, Human Rights, News, News Archive UN & OAS Experts condemn repressive measures by Colombian PoliceIn Civil Society, Human Rights, News, News Archive, Press London in solidarity with ColombiaIn Human Rights, News, News Archive International Day for the Right to the TruthIn Human Rights, News, News Archive, Transitional Justice Does Colombia take Sexual Violence Seriously?In Emblematic Cases, Human Rights, News, News Archive, Women In Solidarity with the Mothers of SoachaIn Human Rights, News, News Archive UN Report says Colombia Failing to Protect Human Rights DefendersIn Human Rights, News, News Archive Human Rights Day: remembering those seeking to defend and protect the right to sustainable peaceIn Human Rights, News International Civil Society Organisations Reject Stigmatising Claims against the Humanitarian Caravan to Cañyón del Micay in Argelia, Cauca departmentIn Human Rights, News, News Archive Illegal Surveillance of Colombian Human Rights DefendersIn Human Rights, Letters to Colombian Govt, News, News Archive Linea Negra Decreto 1500In Emblematic Cases, Human Rights, News, News Archive, Vulnerable Communities COVID-19 and Human Rights in ColombiaIn Human Rights, News, News Archive, Press, Vulnerable Communities Declaration of Support to the OHCHR in ColombiaIn 2017, Human Rights, News, News Archive In the International Women’s Day ABColombia say #IStandWith Emilse PazIn Emblematic Cases, Human Rights, News, News Archive UN Annual Report on Human Rights in ColombiaIn Human Rights, News, News Archive Written evidence from ABColombia to the Foreign Affairs CommitteeIn Briefings, Campaigns, Human Rights, News, News Archive Peaceful Social Protest is essential for DemocracyIn Civil Society, Human Rights, News, News Archive Statement by INGOs in Colombia on the Right to Freedom of Speech and AssemblyIn Human Rights, News, News Archive Open Letter to the President of the Republic of Colombia regarding the imminent risk of a new massacre in the municipality of Bojayá.In 2017, Human Rights, News, News Archive, Vulnerable Communities Chocó a Humanitarian and Human Rights CrisisIn 2017, Human Rights, News, News Archive, Vulnerable Communities Response to letter sent to Foreign Secretary: Concerns about death threats against Colombia Human Rights DefendersIn Civil Society, Human Rights, Letters of Concern, News, Responses to Letters Concerns about death threats against Colombia Human Rights Defenders: Letter sent to Irish Foreign Affairs and Trade MinisterIn Human Rights, Letters of Concern, Letters to UK&Ireland, News ABColombia signs further open letter to mining companies at Cerrejon and Colombian GovernmentIn Extractives, Human Rights, Joint Letters, Letters of Concern, Letters to Colombian Govt, News, Vulnerable Communities The Special Jurisdiction for PeaceIn 2017, Conflict, Human Rights, JEP, News, Peace Insecurity for the mandate of the UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights in ColombiaIn Human Rights, News Case of Jineth Bedoya: conflict-related sexual violence in Colombia brought before International Tribunal for the first timeIn Human Rights, News, Women
Día de la Dignidad de las Víctimas de Crímenes del Estado en ColombiaIn Civil Society, Conflict, Human Rights, News, News Archive, Peace
Ongoing Violence in Catatumbo, Norte de SantanderIn Civil Society, Conflict, Human Rights, News, News Archive, Peace, Peace Processes, Vulnerable Communities
ABColombia and Coalition of UK NGOs Call on UK Government to end the Colombia-UK Bilateral Investment TreatyIn Human Rights, News
“A Call from the Heart of the World” from the Wiwa Peoples of the Sierra Nevada de Santa MartaIn Human Rights, Land, News, Vulnerable Communities
International Day for the Prevention of and Healing from Child Sexual Exploitation, Abuse and ViolenceIn Human Rights, News, Vulnerable Communities
The Tribunal – A FilmIn Civil Society, Extractives, Human Rights, News, News Archive, Vulnerable Communities
Colombia: No more Impunity for the killing of Social LeadersIn Human Rights, News, News Archive, Women
Colombia: Rights of Rivers, Rights of PeoplesIn Civil Society, Extractives, Human Rights, Land, News, News Archive, Vulnerable Communities
The Dangers of Being an Land and Environmental DefenderIn Civil Society, Human Rights, Land, News, News Archive, Vulnerable Communities
International Day of Peace 2024In Civil Society, Human Rights, News, News Archive, Peace, Vulnerable Communities
Corporate Justice: Business, Human Rights and Environmental Due Diligence LawIn Campaigns, Extractives, Human Rights
Jineth Bedoya’s Courage results in Women Journalist Protection FundIn Human Rights, News, News Archive, Women
Climate Change and Conflict Disproportionately Impacts the Poorest in ColombiaIn Civil Society, Conflict, Human Rights, News, News Archive, Peace, Vulnerable Communities
International Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples 2024In Human Rights, Land, News, News Archive, Peace Processes, Vulnerable Communities
The Heartache of Enforced Disappearance – A Crime against HumanityIn Civil Society, Human Rights, News, News Archive, Peace
International Day for the Elimination of Conflict Related Sexual ViolenceIn Civil Society, Human Rights, News, News Archive, Vulnerable Communities, Women
Chiquita Brands Brought to Justice by Colombian VictimsIn Civil Society, Conflict, Human Rights, News, News Archive, Peace
Colombia wins against multinationals endeavouring to mine in protected areas of ecological importanceIn Extractives, Human Rights, Land, News, News Archive, Vulnerable Communities
World Environment Day 2024In Civil Society, Extractives, Human Rights, Land, News, News Archive, Vulnerable Communities
Carta abierta de la Asociación de Cabildos Indígenas del Norte del Cauca (ACIN) al Estado Mayor Central – Bloque Jacob ArenasIn Conflict, Español, Human Rights, News, News Archive, Peace, Publicaciones en Español, Vulnerable Communities
Urgent appeal for the protection of the life and integrity of the communities and social leaders of Sur de Bolívar.In Civil Society, Human Rights, Joint Letters, News, Vulnerable Communities
Llamamiento urgente por la protección de la vida e integridad de lascomunidades y liderazgos sociales del sur de BolívarIn Civil Society, Español, Human Rights, Joint Letters, News, Vulnerable Communities
International Women’s Day 2024: update on the implementation of UNSCR 1325 and the NAPIn Civil Society, Human Rights, News, News Archive, Women
UNSC Visit to Caquetá and BuenaventuraIn Civil Society, Conflict, Human Rights, News, News Archive, Peace, Peace Processes, Peace Processes
Forced Displacement of the Wiwa Indigenous PeoplesIn Civil Society, Conflict, Human Rights, Land, News, News Archive, Vulnerable Communities
Forced Recruitment of Children in ColombiaIn Human Rights, News, News Archive, Peace, Vulnerable Communities
Afro-Colombian and Indigenous communities face higher risk to health and wellbeing in ColombiaIn Civil Society, Extractives, Human Rights, Land, News, Vulnerable Communities
Unmasking Glencore: A Toxic Legacy in ColombiaIn Emblematic Cases, Extractives, Human Rights, News, News Archive, Vulnerable Communities
Colombian Special Jurisdiction for Peace opens a National Case on Conflict-related Sexual and Gender-based ViolenceIn Conflict, Human Rights, JEP, News, News Archive, Peace, Peace Processes, Peace Processes, Transitional Justice, Women
Bedoya Lima et al V Colombia: Two Years LaterIn Conflict, Human Rights, News, Peace, Transitional Justice, Women
Urgente: Crisis Humanitaria en ColombiaIn Civil Society, Conflict, Español, Human Rights, News, News Archive, Peace, Press, Vulnerable Communities
Urgent: Humanitarian Crisis in ColombiaIn Civil Society, Conflict, Human Rights, News, News Archive, Peace, Peace Processes, Vulnerable Communities
CHARLA: Proceso de paz en Colombia bajo amenaza debido a demandas multimillonarias al estado por parte de empresas multinacionales: ¿Qué se puede hacer?In Civil Society, Español, Events, Extractives, Human Rights, Land, News, News Archive, Peace
International Civil Society Organisations Alert: Imminent Humanitarian Tragedy in the Department of Chocó, ColombiaIn Civil Society, Conflict, Español, Human Rights, News, News Archive, Peace, Vulnerable Communities
Comunidad internacional en Alerta por el riesgo de exterminio cultural y físico del Pueblo Indígena Awá dentro y fuera de su territorioIn Civil Society, Conflict, Español, Human Rights, News, News Archive, Peace, Vulnerable Communities
Colombian Truth Commission’s Report: Achievements and setbacks one year after publicationIn Civil Society, Human Rights, News, News Archive, Peace, Transitional Justice
Urgent Action to protect the environment and the Paimadó communityIn Español, Extractives, Human Rights, Letters of Concern, Letters to Colombian Govt, News, News Archive, Vulnerable Communities
“Colombia es un país prioritario en derechos humanos para el Reino Unido”.In Español, Human Rights, News, News Archive, Peace, Transitional Justice, Videos
“Colombia is a human rights priority for the UK”In Civil Society, Human Rights, News, News Archive, Parliament, Peace, Transitional Justice, Vulnerable Communities, Women
Pressure Rises to Open Macrocase11 on Sexual Violence in Conflict in ColombiaIn Conflict, Human Rights, News, News Archive, Peace, Women
The National Action Plan of Resolution 1325 will start from the recognition of the knowledge of women in peacebuildingIn Civil Society, Human Rights, News, News Archive, Peace, Women
International Water Day 2023In Emblematic Cases, Extractives, Human Rights, Land, News, News Archive, Vulnerable Communities
Colombia’s Transitional Justice System Macrocase 09: Crimes Committed Against Indigenous Ethnic Peoples and Territories.In Emblematic Cases, Human Rights, JEP, Land, News, News Archive, Peace, Vulnerable Communities
ABColombia pays Tribute on Women’s Day 8 March 2023 to the Courage and ongoing pursuit for Justice of Colombian Investigative Journalist, Jineth Bedoya Lima In Campaigns, Civil Society, Emblematic Cases, Human Rights, News, News Archive, Peace, Women
Renewable energy: How does it differ from fossil fuel extractives when it comes to respecting the rights of communities and the environment?In Extractives, Human Rights, Land, News, News Archive, Vulnerable Communities
The Genocide of a Political Party – Unión Patriótica over 6,000 members killed in the 1980s and 1990sIn Civil Society, Human Rights, News, News Archive
Colombia must strengthen the rule of law in areas particularly affected by violence and conflict.In Civil Society, Conflict, Human Rights, News, News Archive, Peace, Vulnerable Communities
“Total Peace” in Colombia: A new step in the Implementation of the Colombian Peace AccordIn Civil Society, Human Rights, News, News Archive, Peace
The signing of a Peace Accord has not stopped Sexual and Gender-based violence in ColombiaIn Civil Society, Conflict, Human Rights, Press, Women
Event: Voices from Colombia: challenges to resistance and defending women’s and environmental rights in the territoriesIn Civil Society, Conflict, Events, Human Rights, News, News Archive, Vulnerable Communities, Women
Event: Sexual and Gender-based Violence in Colombia a Feminist Perspective on SecurityIn Civil Society, Events, Human Rights, News, News Archive, Peace, Transitional Justice, Women
Event: The Colombian Peace Process in a new political contextIn Civil Society, Español, Events, Human Rights, News, News Archive, Peace
British Public and Investors Support new UK Legislation on Business, Human Rights and the Environment In Civil Society, Human Rights, News, News Archive
Enforced Disappearances in Colombia: an ongoing issue.In Civil Society, Human Rights, News, News Archive
Public Statement: Express of concern about recent threats and intimidation toward lawyer Yessika Hoyos Morales, member of the José Alvear Restrepo Lawyers’ Collective (Cajar)In Español, Human Rights, Joint Letters, Letters of Concern, News, News Archive, Women
Delegation of Parliamentarians to Colombia 2022In Civil Society, Conflict, Extractives, Human Rights, News, News Archive, Reports, Vulnerable Communities, Women
The Wayúu Indigenous Peoples continue their Struggle for the rights of the Arroyo BrunoIn Emblematic Cases, Extractives, Human Rights, News, News Archive, Vulnerable Communities
Comunicado Público: Organizaciones y ONG internacionales alertan sobre grave crisis humanitaria sostenida en el departamento del ChocóIn Civil Society, Conflict, Español, Human Rights, Joint Letters, Letters of Concern, News, News Archive, Publicaciones en Español
National Case 3: Extrajudicial Executions by State Agents in the Special Jurisdiction for PeaceIn Conflict, Emblematic Cases, Human Rights, News, News Archive, Transitional Justice
Public Statement: UK and Irish Parliamentary Delegation to Colombia Express Profound Concerns for the Rights of the Wayuu Indigenous Peoples and Afro-Colombian Communities in La Guajira, Colombia.In Extractives, Human Rights, Letters of Concern, Letters to Colombian Govt, News, News Archive, Parliament
Public Statement: International organisations from the civil society reject the assassination of Thuthenas (consejero) Miller Correa.In Español, Human Rights, Joint Letters, Letters of Concern, News, News Archive, Publicaciones en Español
World Water Day 2022In Emblematic Cases, Human Rights, Land, News, News Archive, Vulnerable Communities
Urgent open dialogue is needed between the Catholic Church and the Colombian Government to find solutions for Chocó.In Conflict, Human Rights, News, News Archive, Peace, Vulnerable Communities
Human Rights Defender Luz Marina Arteaga’s Body found discarded in the River MetaIn Emblematic Cases, Human Rights, News, News Archive, Vulnerable Communities, Women
UN & OAS Experts condemn repressive measures by Colombian PoliceIn Civil Society, Human Rights, News, News Archive, Press
International Day for the Right to the TruthIn Human Rights, News, News Archive, Transitional Justice
Does Colombia take Sexual Violence Seriously?In Emblematic Cases, Human Rights, News, News Archive, Women
Human Rights Day: remembering those seeking to defend and protect the right to sustainable peaceIn Human Rights, News
International Civil Society Organisations Reject Stigmatising Claims against the Humanitarian Caravan to Cañyón del Micay in Argelia, Cauca departmentIn Human Rights, News, News Archive
Illegal Surveillance of Colombian Human Rights DefendersIn Human Rights, Letters to Colombian Govt, News, News Archive
Linea Negra Decreto 1500In Emblematic Cases, Human Rights, News, News Archive, Vulnerable Communities
COVID-19 and Human Rights in ColombiaIn Human Rights, News, News Archive, Press, Vulnerable Communities
In the International Women’s Day ABColombia say #IStandWith Emilse PazIn Emblematic Cases, Human Rights, News, News Archive
Written evidence from ABColombia to the Foreign Affairs CommitteeIn Briefings, Campaigns, Human Rights, News, News Archive
Statement by INGOs in Colombia on the Right to Freedom of Speech and AssemblyIn Human Rights, News, News Archive
Open Letter to the President of the Republic of Colombia regarding the imminent risk of a new massacre in the municipality of Bojayá.In 2017, Human Rights, News, News Archive, Vulnerable Communities
Chocó a Humanitarian and Human Rights CrisisIn 2017, Human Rights, News, News Archive, Vulnerable Communities
Response to letter sent to Foreign Secretary: Concerns about death threats against Colombia Human Rights DefendersIn Civil Society, Human Rights, Letters of Concern, News, Responses to Letters
Concerns about death threats against Colombia Human Rights Defenders: Letter sent to Irish Foreign Affairs and Trade MinisterIn Human Rights, Letters of Concern, Letters to UK&Ireland, News
ABColombia signs further open letter to mining companies at Cerrejon and Colombian GovernmentIn Extractives, Human Rights, Joint Letters, Letters of Concern, Letters to Colombian Govt, News, Vulnerable Communities
Insecurity for the mandate of the UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights in ColombiaIn Human Rights, News
Case of Jineth Bedoya: conflict-related sexual violence in Colombia brought before International Tribunal for the first timeIn Human Rights, News, Women