Vulnerable Communities Blog Posts: Vulnerable Communities Ongoing Violence in Catatumbo, Norte de Santander “A Call from the Heart of the World” from the Wiwa Peoples of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta International Day for the Prevention of and Healing from Child Sexual Exploitation, Abuse and Violence The Tribunal – A Film The Atrato River and COP16 Colombia: Rights of Rivers, Rights of Peoples River Atrato First River in Colombia to be Awarded Rights The Dangers of Being an Land and Environmental Defender International Day of Peace 2024 Climate Change and Conflict Disproportionately Impacts the Poorest in Colombia International Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples 2024 International Day for the Elimination of Conflict Related Sexual Violence Colombia wins against multinationals endeavouring to mine in protected areas of ecological importance World Environment Day 2024 Carta abierta de la Asociación de Cabildos Indígenas del Norte del Cauca (ACIN) al Estado Mayor Central – Bloque Jacob Arenas Urgent appeal for the protection of the life and integrity of the communities and social leaders of Sur de Bolívar. Llamamiento urgente por la protección de la vida e integridad de lascomunidades y liderazgos sociales del sur de Bolívar Forced Displacement of the Wiwa Indigenous Peoples Jakeline Romero Epiayú, 1979 – 2024 Forced Recruitment of Children in Colombia Afro-Colombian and Indigenous communities face higher risk to health and wellbeing in Colombia Unmasking Glencore: A Toxic Legacy in Colombia Urgente: Crisis Humanitaria en Colombia Urgent: Humanitarian Crisis in Colombia International Civil Society Organisations Alert: Imminent Humanitarian Tragedy in the Department of Chocó, Colombia Comunidad internacional en Alerta por el riesgo de exterminio cultural y físico del Pueblo Indígena Awá dentro y fuera de su territorio Urgent Action to protect the environment and the Paimadó community “Colombia is a human rights priority for the UK” International Water Day 2023 Colombia’s Transitional Justice System Macrocase 09: Crimes Committed Against Indigenous Ethnic Peoples and Territories. Renewable energy: How does it differ from fossil fuel extractives when it comes to respecting the rights of communities and the environment? Colombia must strengthen the rule of law in areas particularly affected by violence and conflict. Event: Voices from Colombia: challenges to resistance and defending women’s and environmental rights in the territories Amicus Curiae on Decree 1500: the La Linea Negra Delegation of Parliamentarians to Colombia 2022 The Wayúu Indigenous Peoples continue their Struggle for the rights of the Arroyo Bruno Proposed new Best Coal Company (BCC) open pit mine at Cañaverales World Water Day 2022 Urgent open dialogue is needed between the Catholic Church and the Colombian Government to find solutions for Chocó. Human Rights Defender Luz Marina Arteaga’s Body found discarded in the River Meta 16 New Electoral Constituencies for Victims Nasa Indigenous Governor Sandra Liliana Peña Chocué shot and killed World Water Day 2021 Indigenous Peoples and Afro Colombian Communities are Suffering a Humanitarian Crisis in Alto Baudó Chocó Chancleta and the Cerrejón Mine Linea Negra Decreto 1500 What are the Lungs of the Earth without the Heart? Rival Illegal Armed Groups Terrify Communities in the Rio Quito Chocó COVID-19 and Human Rights in Colombia Humanitarian Crisis in Chocó Intensifies Ethnic Focus in the Special Jurisdiction for Peace Guardians of the River Atrato Visit Scotland Public Statement: Kogui, Arhuaco, Wiwa and Kankuamo Indigenous Tribes Open Letter to the President of the Republic of Colombia regarding the imminent risk of a new massacre in the municipality of Bojayá. Chocó a Humanitarian and Human Rights Crisis Letter of Concern to Colombian Government: Forced Eviction of El Rocío ABColombia signs further open letter to mining companies at Cerrejon and Colombian Government UN calls on Colombian State: Guarantee the Physical and Cultural Survival of the Nasa Indigenous Peoples Emblematic Case: Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta ABColombia signs open letter to mining companies at Cerrejon, Colombia While the UK prepares for Colombia President Duque’s visit, violence against Human Rights Defenders and communities exacerbates Colombia: Grassroots Perspectives on what makes for Peace International organisations reject violent attacks and threats against Afro-Colombian and Indigenous leaders Threats against Indigenous Human Rights Defenders in La Guajira, Colombia Colombia Peace Accord: Women and the Ethnic Chapter Colombia Special Jurisdiction for Peace (JEP) begins its work in Chocó and Urabá Communities in Chocó call on all armed actors in the Colombian conflict to respect International Humanitarian Law Matarratón in El Porvenir: a short history 2018 Delegation Security of Zenu Indigenous Leader: ABColombia sends letter to National Protection Unit Indigenous Peoples Hopes for Justice Dashed To fly again: Alicia’s Story (Buenaventura) Correspondence with Sir Alan Duncan on Humanitarian Crisis in Chocó Letter to Minister Coveney on Humanitarian Crisis in Chocó and Human Rights Defenders Indigenous Peoples struggle for a dignified life against Giant Nickel Miner South32 Water Scarcity and Climate Change in La Guajira: ABColombia signs letter to Cerrejón Indigenous and Afro-descendant Peoples Win Court Case against Multinational Mining Company Mining, Social Conflict and Alternatives in Colombia and Peru “Guardians of the Atrato River” visit the UK and Ireland Coordinator of Indigenous Guard killed in Chocó Letter to Inter-American Court of Human Rights: San José de Apartadó Peace Community Event in Westminster Palace: The Colombian Road to Peace Civil Society activists call for Humanitarian Agreement in Chocó Urgent Action: Escalation of Violence in Indigenous Territory, Northern Cauca The Right to Peaceful Protest must be Guaranteed if Peace-building is to be sustainable. Supreme Court frees Indigenous Leader Feliciano Valencia Government draft bill could conflict with Peace Accord Conflict Exacerbates in Chocó Chocó: Indigenous people forced to flee Joint statement rejecting the murder of Gerson Acosta National Security Guarantees Commission Church denounces State Abandonment in Cordoba and Urabá Self-Protection Mechanisms: Colombian Rural Defenders and Communities Colombia: Security of Human Rights Defenders and Communities Concern over growing forced displacement in Chocó Zenú Indigenous Peoples from the Alto San Jorge Resguardo Cordorba Fuelling Conflict in Colombia: The Impact of Gold Mining in Choco ABColombia Statement – Zenu Indigenous Peoples Alexander Lopez – humanitarian crisis in Buenaventura International Delegation Visit Zenu Peoples
International Day for the Prevention of and Healing from Child Sexual Exploitation, Abuse and Violence
Colombia wins against multinationals endeavouring to mine in protected areas of ecological importance
Carta abierta de la Asociación de Cabildos Indígenas del Norte del Cauca (ACIN) al Estado Mayor Central – Bloque Jacob Arenas
Urgent appeal for the protection of the life and integrity of the communities and social leaders of Sur de Bolívar.
Llamamiento urgente por la protección de la vida e integridad de lascomunidades y liderazgos sociales del sur de Bolívar
International Civil Society Organisations Alert: Imminent Humanitarian Tragedy in the Department of Chocó, Colombia
Comunidad internacional en Alerta por el riesgo de exterminio cultural y físico del Pueblo Indígena Awá dentro y fuera de su territorio
Colombia’s Transitional Justice System Macrocase 09: Crimes Committed Against Indigenous Ethnic Peoples and Territories.
Renewable energy: How does it differ from fossil fuel extractives when it comes to respecting the rights of communities and the environment?
Event: Voices from Colombia: challenges to resistance and defending women’s and environmental rights in the territories
Urgent open dialogue is needed between the Catholic Church and the Colombian Government to find solutions for Chocó.
Indigenous Peoples and Afro Colombian Communities are Suffering a Humanitarian Crisis in Alto Baudó Chocó
Open Letter to the President of the Republic of Colombia regarding the imminent risk of a new massacre in the municipality of Bojayá.
UN calls on Colombian State: Guarantee the Physical and Cultural Survival of the Nasa Indigenous Peoples
While the UK prepares for Colombia President Duque’s visit, violence against Human Rights Defenders and communities exacerbates
International organisations reject violent attacks and threats against Afro-Colombian and Indigenous leaders
Communities in Chocó call on all armed actors in the Colombian conflict to respect International Humanitarian Law