05.12202321/12/2023 TAKE ACTION: Glencore’s Mining Practices in Peru and Colombia – what can UK citizens do?By ABColombiaIn Campaigns, News, News ArchiveTags Buisness and Human Rights, HRDs, Human Rights Please write to your MP and ask them to #SignEDM136! You can find a template letter/email here. MPs have public...
05.05202017/05/2022 Libren El Arroyo BrunoBy Louise WinstanleyIn News, News Archive, PressTags Afrodecendientes, Arroyo Bruno, Buisness and Human Rights, Human Rights, mineria, Mining, Wayuu Indigenous Peoples Nota de Prensa Indígenas Wayuu y afrodescendientes exigen a la minera Anglo American retornar el agua al Arroyo Bruno desviado...