6 March 2025 Today marks the Day of Dignity for the Victims of State Crimes in Colombia, a commemorative day...
Tag: conflict
Ongoing Violence in Catatumbo, Norte de Santander
22 January 2025 ABColombia expresses its profound concern regarding the escalation of violence in north-eastern Colombia. According to OCHA, between...
“A Call from the Heart of the World” from the Wiwa Peoples of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta
“The struggle of the Wiwa communities to defend their territory is not only a matter of survival but also a...
Climate Change and Conflict Disproportionately Impacts the Poorest in Colombia
Despite the ongoing peace talks in Colombia with a variety of armed groups, and the increased efforts by the Gustavo...
The Heartache of Enforced Disappearance – A Crime against Humanity
Disappearance is one of the most horrendous crimes against humanity. Families live in hope, despite the odds that their loved...
International Day for the Elimination of Conflict Related Sexual Violence
Despite global awareness and widespread condemnation, conflict-related sexual violence (CRSV) remains a pervasive issue around the world today.[i] In Colombia,...
Carta abierta de la Asociación de Cabildos Indígenas del Norte del Cauca (ACIN) al Estado Mayor Central – Bloque Jacob Arenas
La ACIN escribe esta carta abierta debido a las últimas acciones y crímenes cometidos por el Bloque Suroeste del EMC,...
Forced Displacement of the Wiwa Indigenous Peoples
Information from Cajar, read the Alerta Urgente here. On 27 February 2024, the Wiwa Indigenous Peoples, together with Colombian human...
Colombian Special Jurisdiction for Peace opens a National Case on Conflict-related Sexual and Gender-based Violence
Marking a new milestone in Colombia’s transitional justice process, the Special Jurisdiction for Peace (JEP) has opened Macrocase 11 after...
Bedoya Lima et al V Colombia: Two Years Later
Today, 18 October 2023, marks two years since the Inter-American Court of Human Rights (IACtHR) found the Colombian state responsible...