08.07202417/07/2024 What should Labour do on Trade to ensure Colombia can address climate, peace and human rightsBy Louise WinstanleyIn Briefings, ISDS What does it mean for Colombia, News, News Archive, PressTags Climate Change, Human Rights, International Trade, ISDS, Peace in Colombia 8 July 2024 Trade policy could be used to play a positive role in addressing the climate crisis and contributing...
08.03202408/10/2024 Shocking Report by UN Special Rapporteur David Boyd on How Multinational Companies are Preventing Countries from fulfilling their Climate CommitmentsBy Louise WinstanleyIn Emblematic Cases, ISDS What does it mean for Colombia, News, News ArchiveTags Extractives, Human Rights, International Trade, ISDS UN Special Rapporteur on human rights and the environment, David Boyd, stated in a recent report that multinational companies are...
05.01202020/04/2020 Guardians of the Atrato River visit the EUBy ABColombiaIn Emblematic Cases, NewsTags Environment, Guardians Atrato, International Trade In November 2019 two Guardians of the River Atrato together with the a representative of the Dioceses of Quibdo, Choco,...
21.08201921/08/2019 Response to letter sent to Foreign Secretary: Concerns about death threats against Colombia Human Rights DefendersBy ABColombiaIn Civil Society, Human Rights, Letters of Concern, News, Responses to LettersTags Choco, EDM, HRDs, Human Rights, Human Rights Defenders, International Community, International Trade, Parliament, Peace Accord, UK Parliament On 30 July 2019, 24 UK Members of Parliament sent a letter of concern to Dominic Raab, the Secretary of...
14.06201917/06/2019 British MPs ask UK Government to make joint Human Rights Statement with Colombia President DuqueBy ABColombiaIn Civil Society, Land, Letters of Concern, Letters to UK&Ireland, NewsTags Displacement, HRDs, International Community, International Trade, Peace, UK Parliament On 14th June, ahead of Colombia President Ivan Duque’s visit to the UK, members of the UK Parliament sent a...
14.02201514/02/2018 Workers growing Valentine’s Day flowers face low pay and long hoursBy ABColombiaIn News ArchiveTags Flowers, International Trade, trade unions, Worker's Rights