31.01201909/02/2021 2018 DelegationBy Louise WinstanleyIn Civil Society, Conflict, Emblematic Cases, Human Rights, Land, News, News Archive, Vulnerable Communities, WomenTags Land Rights, parliamentary delegation, Peace Accord, Peacebuilding Vichada: meeting with the: Sikuani, Sikuani-Cubeo, Puinave, Piapoco, Piaroa, Sáliba, Amorua, Curripacos, Tuparro Indigenous Peoples.
18.12201817/02/2020 ABColombia Delegations of Parliamentarians to ColombiaBy ABColombiaIn News, News Archive, ReportsTags Afro-Colombian, Campesinos, Crop Substitution, Indigenous, Land Rights, parliamentary delegation, Peace Accord ABColombia periodically takes members of the British Parliament and Dáil Éireann (Assemble of Ireland) to Colombia to visit communities and to...
03.10201825/01/2019 British MPs send letter to Colombian Minister of MinesBy ABColombiaIn Extractives, Letters of Concern, Letters to Colombian Govt, NewsTags Cajamarca, Communities, Extractives, Human Rights, parliamentary delegation, UK Parliament