Colombia was the first country in the world to sign a Peace Accord which declared ‘no amnesties’ for conflict related...
Tag: Peace in Colombia
Event: Voices from Colombia: challenges to resistance and defending women’s and environmental rights in the territories
Reservation essential (limited places). Register HERE Joining us ONLINE? Register HERE The Colombian state has failed to respect and protect...
Event: The Colombian Peace Process in a new political context
Get your FREE ticket HERE Join in a conversation with the Colombian Human Rights Defender Martha Márquez, director of the...
Public Statement: Express of concern about recent threats and intimidation toward lawyer Yessika Hoyos Morales, member of the José Alvear Restrepo Lawyers’ Collective (Cajar)
ABColombia joins the undersigned organisations to express our concern about death threats and intimidation toward Ms Yessika Hoyos Morales, a...
Truth Commission of Colombia: Executive Summary
Colombia’s Truth Commission was established as a result of the 2016 Peace Accord between the Colombian Government and the FARC-...
Organizaciones internacionales de la Sociedad civil reconocen y respaldan la presencia en Colombia de la Oficina de la Alta Comisionada de Naciones Unidas para los derechos Humanos.
Para las organizaciones Internacionales de la sociedad civil que suscriben este comunicado, la presencia en Colombia de la Oficina de...
Human Rights Defenders in Colombia
Landmark Legal case: Jose Alvear Restrepo Lawyers Collective (Colectivo de Abogados de JOSÉ ALVEAR RESTREPO) vs The Colombian State in...
Online Event: Colombia, 5+ years into the Peace Process: stock-take and next steps. REGISTER NOW
Online Event on May 10 16:00 – 17:30 BST REGISTER HERE Christian Aid, in conjunction with our Colombian partner, ABColombia and...
Public Statement: International organisations from the civil society reject the assassination of Thuthenas (consejero) Miller Correa.
See ABColombia’s Policy Briefing report HERE
Urgent open dialogue is needed between the Catholic Church and the Colombian Government to find solutions for Chocó.
As the humanitarian crisis in the department of Chocó deepens, the Catholic Church continues to urge the Colombian government to...