15.07202030/07/2020 Linea Negra Decreto 1500By ABColombiaIn Emblematic Cases, Human Rights, News, News Archive, Vulnerable CommunitiesTags Consejo de Estado, Constitutional Court, Human Rights, Indigenous, Linea Negra, Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta After years of consultation by the four Indigenous Peoples of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta: Kogui, Arhuaco, Kankuamo and...
29.11201929/11/2019 Public Statement: Kogui, Arhuaco, Wiwa and Kankuamo Indigenous TribesBy Louise WinstanleyIn Emblematic Cases, News, News Archive, Vulnerable CommunitiesTags Indigenous, Linea Negra, Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta Four indigenous tribes Wiwa, Kogui, Arhuaco and Kankuamo live on sacred lands marked by what is referred to as the...
24.07201929/11/2019 Emblematic Case: Sierra Nevada de Santa MartaBy ABColombiaIn Emblematic Cases, News, Vulnerable CommunitiesTags biodiversity, Colombia, Environment, Indigenous, Land, Linea Negra, Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta We are one with the water, with the earth, with the air, with the sun, with the thoughts, with the...