Colombia was the first country in the world to sign a Peace Accord which declared ‘no amnesties’ for conflict related...
Tag: Women
Event: Voices from Colombia: challenges to resistance and defending women’s and environmental rights in the territories
Reservation essential (limited places). Register HERE Joining us ONLINE? Register HERE The Colombian state has failed to respect and protect...
Event: Sexual and Gender-based Violence in Colombia a Feminist Perspective on Security
Book your FREE ticket HERE Register HERE to join the event ONLINE Register HERE to join the event ONLINE “Activists Voices from...
Public Statement: Express of concern about recent threats and intimidation toward lawyer Yessika Hoyos Morales, member of the José Alvear Restrepo Lawyers’ Collective (Cajar)
ABColombia joins the undersigned organisations to express our concern about death threats and intimidation toward Ms Yessika Hoyos Morales, a...
Truth Commission of Colombia: Executive Summary
Colombia’s Truth Commission was established as a result of the 2016 Peace Accord between the Colombian Government and the FARC-...
Delegation of Parliamentarians to Colombia 2022
ABColombia’s delegation report on: Business, Environment and Human Rights, Justice and Sustainable Peace, and Women and Conflict related sexual violence....
On International Women’s Day we celebrate women working for women.
On 8 March 2022, International Women’s Day, ABColombia’s special mention goes to Sisma Mujer, one of our partner organisations in...
Human Rights Defender Luz Marina Arteaga’s Body found discarded in the River Meta
On 18 January 2022, Luz Marina Arteaga, a doctor, social leader and land-claimant was killed. This vibrant and active social...
Report by Colombian Women’s Organisations presented to the Truth Commission
December 2021 VerdadEs: politizar el dolor y las emociones de las mujeres (TruthIs: Politicising Women’s Pain and Emotions) a report...
COVID 19 pandemic exacerbates poverty and inequality in Colombia
The rapid spread of the pandemic has been a challenge for the Latin Americana and Caribbean (LAC) region, essential sanitary...